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Tonsillectomy & Adenotonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy & Adenotonsillectomy


A tonsillectomy is an operation to remove the tonsils.

An adeno-tonsillectomy is an operation to remove both the adenoids and tonsils & because they are often removed at the same time, the procedure is referred to as a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, or T&A.

Both of these procedures are often performed on pediatric patients.


  • These surgeries are usually prescribed in cases of chronic inflammation or infection. It is recommended if the child has repeated tonsil and adenoid infections caused by inflammation — known as tonsillitis and adenoiditis — that do not respond to more conservative treatments.
  • The doctor may decide a T&A is the best option if the tonsils and adenoids are causing a functional problem, such as: Obstructive sleep apnea Recurrent infections Tonsil stones Trouble swallowing Tumor in the throat or nasal passage Bleeding from the tonsils that cannot be stopped


Significant blockage of the nasal passage and uncomfortable breathing Medical guidelines determine when & if a child should have a T&A by several signs:

  • If the occurrence of sore throats counted to 7 in one year.
  • Five sore throats per year in two successive years.
  • Three sore throats /year for 3 successive years Especially if the sore throats are associated with fever above 38.5 degrees, discharge on the tonsils, positive strep throat culture.


  • Most T&A surgeries are done as an outpatient procedure. This means child will have surgery and then go home the same day.
  • During the surgery children will be anesthetized in the operating room. The surgeon will remove child’s tonsils and adenoids through the mouth.
  • Children will go to a recovery room where they can be monitored closely. After they are fully awake & if everything is going well, they will be able to go home.
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